Charity Holiday Raffle

  • Friday, December 04, 2015
  • 8:00 PM
  • Saturday, December 05, 2015
  • 12:00 AM
  • The Pub at the Max


  • LGNN Holiday Party Raffle

    Advanced purchase: 10 tickets for $42.00
  • LGNN Holiday Party Raffle

    Advanced purchase: 5 tickets for $21.50

Registration is closed

Mark your calendars for our annual holiday bash!  Join in our our annual charity raffle. You can will all types of amazing raffle basket that include items such as, gift cards, Cubs tickets, photo shoots and MANY MANY more!!  All money raised from the raffle goes directly to our charity...Misericordia! Help support our charity while getting a chance to win many fantastic prizes. 

You can buy your raffle tickets in advance HERE to SAVE: 

5 Tickets for $21.50

10 Tickets for $42.00


Pay at the Event: 

4 tickets for $20.00

10 tickets for $50.00

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