LGNN Ladies Golf League

  • Wednesday, June 23, 2021
  • 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday, August 11, 2021
  • Sugar Creek Golf Course


Registration is closed

Welcome to LGNN's first ever Ladies Golf League!

  • What:  "Nine and Wine" - Play nine holes and enjoy a glass of wine after with your new golf buddies!
  • When: Likely a Tuesday or Wednesday night beginning around 5pm for 8 weeks.  We will poll those interested to find the night that works best.  
  • Dates:  Mid June to Mid August
  • Where:  Sugar Creek Golf course in Villa Park
  • Cost:  $30-$35 / week includes golf, pull cart and wine. Total $240
  • Who:  ALL skill levels welcome.  You do not need to be a good golfer to join!  No intimidation in this league.  Please bring your own clubs-- Come one come all and enjoy a night outside with some wonderful ladies!

Just a reminder - this is an 8 week league and the cost for 9 holes and a pull cart is $30 each week.  League will be on Wednesday nights beginning June 23rd at Sugar Creek Golf course in Villa Park.

The sign up fee is $240.  This does not include the "wine or beverage of choice" for after golf. 

Please email Jenny Perlongo at longjm05@hotmail.com with any questions. 

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