Cleaning for a Cause

  • Saturday, March 26, 2022
  • 3:00 PM
  • 924 N. Spring Ave, La Grange Park


Registration is closed
Calling all volunteers!  The LGNN Charity & Service Committee is partnering with Children's Community Closet of La Grange Park, a new nonprofit that collects donated children's clothing and shoes and then lets the community shop those items for free.  We're looking for volunteers to clean plastic baskets/totes that will be used to sort the donated items, to help Children's Community Closet get ready for its big opening day in May.  The cleaning party will take place in Laura Testa's backyard (924 N. Spring Ave.) with refreshments for all your hard work!

LGNN will provide some buckets, dish soap, rags, etc., but BYOS (bring your own supplies!) would be greatly appreciated.

Find out more about Children's Community Closet here!
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