May LGNN Kickball League- Co-ed

  • Wednesday, May 03, 2023
  • Hanesworth Park in La Grange Park


Registration is closed

Spring is around the corner and we’re looking to get a few teams together for an adult co-ed kickball league! No experience necessary– this will be a great way to get outside, socialize, be a part of a team and have fun like a kid!

Games will be played at Hanesworth Park in La Grange Park. Details are still being ironed out, but we'll most likely play games Wednesday evenings for four weeks in May, from 8-9 pm with post-game drinks. There will be a small fee ($25) to cover the cost of t-shirts and field rental.

LGNN members are welcome to bring friends and neighbors to participate. Details will be emailed to those who register– you’ll be able to request one other member/couple to be placed on your team.

Let’s Play Ball!

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