Project Love

  • Tuesday, February 06, 2024
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • La Grange Library

Registration is closed

Project Love!

Please join us on Tuesday, February 6th anytime between 4:30-6:30 pm at the LaGrange Public Library (Dierkes AB Room - downstairs) to make homemade Valentine’s from LGNN families as a part of Interfaith Community Partners (ICP) Project Love program. ICP is a community service/non-profit that provides transportation to older adults in the local area to take them to medical appts and every day errands, grocery stores, hairdressers, banks, etc. 

All materials and supplies will be provided, so please come with your creativity and have FUN! 

If you are unable to join us on Tuesday, February 6th, but still want to make a Valentine, please feel free to drop them off at either house (Amy Cholis, 309 Malden; or Jess Landis, 65 7th Ave.) by February 7th. 

If you make your own cards at home - The cards will be going to ICP's "older adult" clients.  You could describe them to your kids as "grandparent age". They do not need to be addressed to a particular person and the messages can be as basic as "Happy Valentine's Day!" or could include a cheery poem, if kids are inspired! Children's art is always appreciated.  Simple is fine!

If you are unable to make a card, but still want to help, ICP is asking for delivery help. ICP is partnering with a generous sponsor and the Lilett Candies Shop in La Grange to provide sweet treats for ICP clients so they are looking for volunteers to make 5 deliveries each in LaGrange and neighboring towns. 

Dates and times below: 

Friday 2/9, 11:30 - 12:30 -- Volunteers pick up treats and addresses at ICP

Saturday 2/10, 11:00 - 2:00 -- Volunteers deliver treats. Clients will have been called and will be expecting the delivery during this time. 

Signup genius for ICP deliveries here:

We hope to see you there! ♥️

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